Thursday, 25 February 2016

You Snooze, You Lose? Think Again..!!!

Your fitness routine is in full swing two months into the year: You're eating right and you're exercising, but you're not yet seeing the results you want.
What's missing? It might be sleep.

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So say an increasing number of studies that show sleep deprivation causing such negative outcomes as weight gain, an increase in overuse injuries, a decrease in muscle mass and a reduction in testosterone (which has a whole host of other negative effects, including low sex drive, depression and bone loss).
"You can have two people who are doing the exact same workout and eating the same good nutrition, but one is seeing huge progress and the other isn't. A lot of the time, good sleep is the difference," says Mansur Mendizabal, a personal trainer and kettlebell instructor in Washington.
"Sleep is the only time the body is fully recovering and rebuilding," he says.
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You Snooze, You Lose? Think Again

In other words, it's not enough to take a day or two off from training and slouch on the couch and expect good results. It's sleep - specifically deep sleep -  that is the difference when it comes to such things as muscle recovery, mental acuity and reaction time, another important aspect of sports performance.        

There are four parts of the sleep cycle: Stage 1 (near-awake), Stage 2 (onset of sleep), Stage 3 (deep and restorative sleep) and Stage 4 (deep REM or dream state), which occurs at about 90 minutes into each cycle.
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Sleep Duration Among American Adults
One in three is not getting the recommended 7 hours.

*The survey was conducted in 2014
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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